First, sorry to post in English, but I'm French, and I don't speak German.
Thoses Call-TV games has come to France, on RTL9 (but they recently stopped them), and now they are on JET (
With other Internet friends, and with the program made by Kay-Uwe Reiche, we have understood all the games but the domino games...
The program doesn't seem to solve it, I don't speak german, but it seems that "AUFGEPASST: NICHT GEEIGNET FÜR "ZÄHLEN SIE ALLE AUGEN!" " means that it does not work for the French game. Actually, on the french game, the problem is "count all possible points on dominos". So, I've tried with the same method of "count of possible points on dice", but it does not work.
It would be great if any of you could explain the method to me. So, if you have a little time to explain the method, here is a link where are some examples of the "French" domino games (actually, this domino game is hungarian, since the shows are made by a hungarian company) :
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